Exploring Redwood City’s Urban Forest: A Walk with Stanford Lead Arborist James Biddle

Redwood City, nestled between the picturesque Woodside and the stunning Stulsaft Park, is a place of natural beauty and vibrant communities. And what better way to experience this harmony between nature and the city than through an educational tree tour led by the renowned Stanford Lead Arborist, James Biddle? Organized by the dedicated team at CityTrees, a Redwood City-based organization […]

Bringing Greenery to Underserved Communities: A Recap of the April 8 CityTrees Planting

Previous Next CityTrees, a local organization dedicated to increasing greenery in underserved communities, made a significant impact on April 8 with a successful tree planting event. More than 20 volunteers gathered in the Palm Park area of Redwood City to plant 27 trees, including Bay Laurel Saratoga’s, African Sumacs, Crepe Myrtle, and Chinese Fringetree, as part of CityTrees’ ongoing efforts […]

Planting City Trees for Health and Longevity

As cities continue to grow and urbanize, it’s becoming increasingly important to focus on ways to create livable and healthy environments for people. One way to achieve this goal is by planting city trees, and a new study published in the journal Landscape and Urban Planning highlights just how impactful these trees can be for our health and longevity. The […]